The release date for the English version of 'A Torch Against the Night' by
Sabaa Tahir is Aug 2016. If you enjoy this novel, it is available for buy as a paperback from Barnes & Noble or Indigo, as an ebook on the Amazon Kindle store, or as an audiobook on Audible.
Laia is fleeing for her life, and Elias is too. Following the events of the Fourth Trial, two fugitives escape the city of Serra and go on a treacherous trip across the heart of the Empire, pursued by Martial troops.
As the key to the Scholars' survival, Laia is determined to break into Kauf, the most hazardous and guarded prison in the Empire, in order to rescue her brother. Elias is also committed to seeing Laia succeed, even if it means forfeiting his last opportunity to be free.
However, Laia and Elias are targeted by evil powers, both supernatural and human. The vicious Warden of Kauf, the ruthless Commandant, the murderous Emperor Marcus, and, most tragically, Helene—Elias's old friend now the Empire's newest Blood Shrike—are all formidable foes that the two must outwit at every turn.
Bound by Marcus's will, Helene must undertake an agonising quest that might ultimately lead to her demise: track out Elias Veturius, the traitor, and the Scholar slave who assisted him in escaping.and eliminate the pair.