The release date for the English version of 'Britt-Marie Was Here' by
Fredrik Backman is May 2016. If you enjoy this novel, it is available for buy as a paperback from Barnes & Noble or Indigo, as an ebook on the Amazon Kindle store, or as an audiobook on Audible.
Britt-Marie is allergic to disarray. She's not forgiven for many things, and a disorganised cutlery drawer is high on the list. She doesn't pass judgement on anyone, no matter how rude, dishevelled, or questionably moral they may be. It's simply that sometimes, people take her constructive advice as criticism, which is definitely not her goal. Though nobody around her knows it, there's a lady with greater creativity, larger goals, and a warmer heart hiding behind the socially awkward, fussy busybody.
Britt-Marie gets employment as the custodian of a soon-to-be-demolished leisure centre when she deserts her unfaithful husband and is left on her alone in the wretched backwater town of Borg, about which the nicest thing that can be said is that it has a road through it. The meticulous Britt-Marie quickly discovers that she is attracted into the everyday activities of her neighbours, a peculiar mix of miscreants, inebriated people, and layabouts. What's most concerning of all is that she's assigned the unachievable duty of captaining the very incompetent kids' football team to victory. Is Britt-Marie going to find a true home in this little town full of misfits?