The release date for the English version of 'Free Me' by
Ashley N. Rostek is Apr 2023. If you enjoy this novel, it is available for buy as a paperback from Barnes & Noble or Indigo, as an ebook on the Amazon Kindle store, or as an audiobook on Audible.
I'm worn out.
I'm sick of hiding, running, and constantly having to glance over my shoulder.
My guys now have to put up with this too.
In my mind, the clock is still running.
He's circling around me, going closer and closer.
My fear is almost too much to bear. For my guys, not for me. I understand what it's like to have your family violently stolen from you. My family won't leave me again. I'll go to any lengths to keep them safe. Even if it means confronting and killing the creature that has been haunting both my dreams and reality.
I apologize, my Stone guys.
I have to free you by doing this. And to set me free.