The release date for the English version of 'My Name Is Eva' by
Suzanne Goldring is Sep 2019. If you enjoy this novel, it is available for buy as a paperback from Barnes & Noble or Indigo, as an ebook on the Amazon Kindle store, or as an audiobook on Audible.
A horrible price can be paid for honoring a commitment.
Nestled in the heart of the English countryside, Evelyn Taylor-Clarke sits in her chair at Forest Lawns Care Home, surrounded by others whose brains are not quite as keen as hers. While it would be simple to write Evelyn off as a confused elderly lady, her lipstick is applied flawlessly and her buttons are correctly fastened. since Evelyn recalls everything and is a secretive woman. She will always remember her vow to the love of her life to find out the truth about the mission that ultimately resulted in his death, regardless of the cost.
Pat, Evelyn's niece, has some questions for her aunt when she opens an old biscuit tin and discovers a picture of a young child with a red ball labeled "Liese, 1951" and a passport under a different name. And Evelyn is taken back in time to a place called "The Forbidden Village" in Germany, where a woman by the name of Eva ventured where no one else dared, among trembling captives, in search of the man who had bet her husband's life.