Parallel Cover
Parallel Cover

Parallel #1


  • 4.23 

    1.59K Reviews
  • audiobook Audiobook
  • Aug 2021

  • 286

The release date for the English version of 'Parallel' by Elizabeth O'Roark is Aug 2021. If you enjoy this novel, it is available for buy as a paperback from Barnes & Noble or Indigo, as an ebook on the Amazon Kindle store, or as an audiobook on Audible.

It was in a dream when she met him. And now he's made an appearance in real life, weeks before she marries someone else.

** My entire life, I've concealed my abilities. The knowledge I possess. Up until the moment when Nick Reilly enters my hospital room.

Nick is the man I have been fantasizing about for the longest time. I know every detail about him, as though we've known each other for a lifetime, and I know that I loved him more than I've ever loved anybody else, including my fiance.

Even more bizarre? Nick has also started having dreams about me.

I could be saved by working with him to solve the mystery, but our attraction could end up killing us both. The same as it was previously.

You can also browse online reviews of this novel and series books written by Elizabeth O'Roark on goodreads.

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