The release date for the English version of 'Small Great Things' by
Jodi Picoult is Oct 2016. If you enjoy this novel, it is available for buy as a paperback from Barnes & Noble or Indigo, as an ebook on the Amazon Kindle store, or as an audiobook on Audible.
With almost twenty years of experience, Ruth Jefferson is a labour and delivery nurse at a hospital in Connecticut. Ruth starts a normal examination on a baby during her shift, only to find out a few minutes later that she has been moved to another patient. Being African Americans, Ruth's parents are white supremacists who do not want her to interact with their kid. Ruth is left alone in the nursery when the baby has cardiac distress the next day, despite the hospital complying with their request. Does she follow directions or does she make an exception?
Ruth is accused of a major offence as she is hesitant to administer CPR. When white public defender Kennedy McQuarrie accepts her case, he surprises her by telling her that bringing up race in court is not a good idea. Ruth, troubled by Kennedy's legal representation, strives to maintain her family's routine as much as can, particularly for her teenage son, even as the issue gains national attention. Ruth and Kennedy need to learn to trust one another as the trial progresses and accept that the things they have been taught their whole lives about other people and themselves may not be accurate.
Jodi Picoult addresses racism, power, prejudice, justice, and compassion with remarkable sensitivity, knowledge, and candor—yet she doesn't provide simple solutions. A magnificent accomplishment by a writer at the pinnacle of her craft is Small Great Things.