The release date for the English version of 'The Way of the Superior Man: A Spiritual Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Women, Work, and Sexual Desire' by
David Deida is Jan 2004. If you enjoy this novel, it is available for buy as a paperback from Barnes & Noble or Indigo, as an ebook on the Amazon Kindle store, or as an audiobook on Audible.
The Ultimate Men's Spiritual Handbook
What does life really mean to you? In reality, what do women want? What qualities distinguish an excellent lover? You've probably asked yourself these questions if you're a male reading this, but you may not have had much success finding the answers. Right now.
A practical manual for leading a manly life of integrity, authenticity, and freedom, David Deida examines the most significant concerns in men's lives in The Way of the Superior Man, from work and family to women and intimacy to love and spirituality and relationships. Join this best-selling author and globally recognized authority on sexual spirituality for clear guidance, powerful techniques, physical exercises, and more to help you achieve a fulfilling life right now, without compromising.
David Deida says, "It's time to move past the idea of the macho jerk—all spine and no heart." "It is also time to evolve beyond the sensitive and caring wimp ideal, all heart and no spine." Seeking the 'union of heart and spine' via the full manifestation of awareness and love in the boundless openness of the present moment is the ultimate challenge—and reward—that The Way of the Superior Man offers to modern man.
Items in Its
Section One: Man's Way
Section Two: Handling Women
Section Three: Utilizing Energy and Polarity
Section Four: Women's True Desires
Section Five: Your Shadow Side
Section Six: Attractiveness of Women
Section 7: Physical Activities
Section Eight: Intimacy Yoga for Men and Women
This book serves as a manual for a certain kind of recently evolved man. This man is unabashedly masculine—he is purposeful, confident, and directed, living his chosen way of life with deep integrity and humor—and he is sensitive, spontaneous, and spiritually alive, with a heart-commitment to discovering and living his deepest truth.