The release date for the English version of 'You Got Anything Stronger?: Stories' by
Gabrielle Union is Sep 2021. If you enjoy this novel, it is available for buy as a paperback from Barnes & Noble or Indigo, as an ebook on the Amazon Kindle store, or as an audiobook on Audible.
Do you recall the moment we realized we would need more wine since we clicked so well? Now, you and I are going to ask our friend the bartender, "You Got Anything Stronger?" this time. I swear to keep you laughing, but as we delve deeper into the topic, the stakes get higher.
Okay. In what location were we?
Okay, so when my first book came out in October 2017, that's when you and I left off. I had been having dreams of losing things for weeks previously. dying animals. my spouse abandoning me. Not giving birth to babies. My therapist explained to me that it was my soul getting ready to let go of my grief and reveal who I really was. I had at last talked candidly about my struggle with infertility. I was second-guessing myself, so much so that they were planning a strike. However, I felt that I had to be upfront because I didn't want other IVF-undergoing ladies to feel as isolated as I did. I had suffered alone, experiencing so many miscarriages that I was unable to pinpoint a precise figure. I met strangers who told me about their own experiences and sadness. Since I had led with the truth, compassion had been made available.
People wondered when I would release a sequel to We're Going to Need More Wine because of how well received it was when I first launched it. Even the headline "We're Going to Need More Gabrielle Union" appeared in the New York Times. To be very honest, I wasn't sure whether there was more of me that I was ready to reveal after being so forthright and honest in my writing. But life unfolds with all of its unexpected turns. And there is a need to tell new stories. This time, I need to show greater vulnerability—not so much for myself, but for anyone who might feel isolated from their experiences.
In four years, a lot has happened: I became a mother and am raising two beautiful daughters. My partner left the workforce. In order to provide me the chance to give voice to other voices that are not being heard, my career has grown. However, the world has also demonstrated to us the many things we still need to fight for—as mothers, as black women, as friends, as human beings, and as women. I demonstrate to you in You Got Anything Stronger? how this always evolving life brings both difficulties and moments of unadulterated happiness. Along with taking you on a romantic evening at Chateau Marmont, I also have a conversation with my Bring It On character, Isis. I genuinely talk about my surrogacy experience and the birth of Kaavia James Union Wade for the first time. And I challenge racist organizations and behaviors in the entertainment sector, demanding fairness and genuine responsibility.
Do You Have Anything More Powerful? is the most exposed version of me. Recently, I have discovered great strength in that vulnerability, and I want to use this book to share that power with you.